Singing Tummies

Dear Dr. Abby,

Tummies! Should our bellies be relaxed when we sing? Should we just let them all hang out? What should they be doing as we are singing?

- Tummy Time in an undisclosed location

Tummy Time,

Tummies get so many mixed messages, don’t they? “Hold in your core. Breathe into your belly. Release your abdominals. Hold your ribs up.” All this must leave your poor abs thinking “What do you want from me?!” (Yes, I usually imagine each muscle is it’s own little character with thoughts of their own).

Ok, here’s the deal. It’s all true. Your core muscles do have to do all of those things. But not at the same time. And certainly not all the time while you’re singing. We should be able to let our tummies hang out. We should be able to contract them in a coordinated way. And then we can use everything in between as needed. Singers get in trouble when they try to use one strategy the whole time. If you let them hang out all the time, you lose the grounded connection to your body, pelvis and trunk. If you hold them in and braced, it’s hard to have a relaxed, open breath in.

So in short, you will likely feel your tummy muscles working while you’re singing, especially at the end of a long phrase. You can also feel your abdominals relax and “hang” when you have a rest long enough to take a relaxed breath in. Most of the time, you’ll likely feel them working and relaxing dynamically.

My advice is this: Don’t try to do any one thing too hard or all the time. It’s all correct depending on the style, dynamics, timing, body position, and so many more variables. Get strong and connected to your body by exercising in a way you love in your off time, and then sing and enjoy!

Appreciate your question,

Dr. Abby

Disclaimer: Advice given in the Dear Dr. Abby column is intended for educational purposes only. Always seek care from your medical provider with any questions you have regarding your medical condition.


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